Weekly release issued on June 16th, 2020.
Breaking changes¶
- Sign up :: ask for authorization with external service (bearer)
Schedule actions¶
What if you could automate data refresh? Or automatically contact users that need to be reminded of their access?
Welcome to the beautiful world of the scheduler 🗓️
With the Toucan Toco scheduler no need to worry about admin tasks, your application is up-to-date with no manual intervention and your users can know about it right away!

New features¶
Data Storytellers
- UX :: Permissions :: Custom user modal rework
- Notifications :: Add image with url in email templates
- UX :: Permissions :: Add warning on user groups with existing permissions
- Business in the Box :: Aircall :: Create button for aircall data retrieve
- UX :: Filters :: Add image for checkboxes filter type
- Data :: Permissions :: Auto select operator in for user.groups
- Data :: Permissions :: Display original case of user groups in dropdown
- UX :: Store :: Improve understanding of the date beneath app preview
- UX :: Execsum :: Add warning before downloading execSum still generating
- UX :: Dropdown :: Allow to search on formatted labels, for example you can type 03 to select March in your date requester
- UX :: Full Screen :: Create fullscreen mode, activable on demand
- General :: Reset password page :: Specific message on password generation
- Charts :: Linechart :: Click on a point to fix selection
Bug fixes¶
Data Storytellers
- Charts :: Bubblechart :: Create possibility to add sentiments
- General :: App creation :: Limit the size of small app name at 30 char
- Data :: Permissions :: Disable dataset column action in permissions
- UX :: Charts :: Add tooltips to form builder for easier custom order configuration
- Charts :: Leaderboard centered average :: Set average field as optional
- Tiles :: Leaderboard :: Fix sort one more than 3 values
- Charts :: Sparklines :: Check data before instantiation to prevent error display if sparklines are not loading
- Charts :: Linechart :: Allow to use events with dates
- UX :: Execsum :: Fix loading detector when a row is empty
- Charts :: BarLineChart :: Fix bar and line labels overlapping
- Charts :: Barchart :: Compute new default selection if no user interaction
- Charts :: Linechart :: Display the correct series color when filtering
- Charts :: Linechart :: Display Xticks with less than 3 values
- UX :: Charts :: Fix scrolling display
- UX :: Barchart :: When zooming in, always keep selection visible
- UX :: Mapchart :: Remove zoom control when fixed option is enabled
- UX :: Linechart :: Default zerobaseline is now zero
New documentation available¶
- Blank app template :: Remove datasources and stories by default
- Demo :: Fix legacy syntax in advanced stories
- Demo :: Remove legacy score card examples
- Tiles :: LinkTo :: add an example for hierarchical requester
- Fix :: Link to viz gallery from tuto
- Fix :: broken links on methodo doc
- How to :: Scheduler :: Create doc on scheduler
- SSO :: get rid of “Single Logout” mentions
- UX :: Add help button to find discourse link more easily
- Reference :: Add info on nested parameters
- How to :: Mapchart :: Update and clean tuto
- Tucana v68.0.14:
- fix(tile-value): do not animate between two values of different types
- Tucana v68.0.13:
- fix(charts): add data-serie-label to tablechart
- Tucana v68.0.12:
- fix(charts): linechart keep custom x order with missing values
- Tucana v68.0.11:
- fix(charts): tablechart allow to override cols width
- Tucana v68.0.10:
- fix(charts): tablechart reduce col height
- fix(charts): update bullet cell in table chart when filtering rows
- Tucana v68.0.9:
- fix(charts): linechart display event correctly on safari
- Tucana v68.0.7:
- fix(barline): always zoom to selected
- Tucana v68.0.6:
- fix(users/groups): make first user privileges dropdown visible
- fix(charts): linechart display xAxis correctly on IE
- fix(studio): Avoid false-positive of changes in draft in the editor (tiles, gridview, connectors)
- from ToucanToco/fix/remove-checkbox-requesters
- Tucana v68.0.5:
- fix(data explorer): SmallAppEvents subscription should work
- Tucana v68.0.4:
- fix(charts): linechart display date with correct format
- Tucana v68.0.3:
- fix(permissions): search among groupless permissions
- fix(home): put back css on BackgroundEditor
- fix(requester): fallback to 1st hierarchy option if default fails
- fix(stackedbarchart): add analytics to unstackable ft
- fix(charts): linechart display events when comparing date and number
- fix(studio): allow to reset datasources search filtering
- Tucana v68.0.2:
- fix(permissions): Automatic operator for {{ user.groups }} works in nested conditions
- Tucana v68.0.1:
- fix(core): scrolling zone should fit container height
- fix(charts): disable counter animation when using string as value
- fix(charts): update tablechart errors