v51.1.0 : Berlin Aqua Gillespie¶
Beta release issued on June 28th, 2019.
Bug fixes¶
- Mobile :: ios add to home screen back button
- General :: Get rid of “empty query error” in history manager
New features¶
- General :: Add a studio-specific splash screen
- Charts :: Heatmap :: Y label width can be customized if below max authorized
- General :: Better dropdown in form builder widgets
- Tech :: Use a Jenkinsfile to execute tests on CI
- Disable concurrent builds and yarn cache
New documentation available¶
- Data :: New ETL schema
- Charts:: Create tuto for bubblechart
- Charts :: Update waterfall usp
- Charts :: Create tuto step-by-step Stacked Barchart
- Charts :: Create tuto funnelchart
- Charts :: Update tuto leaderboard
- Charts :: Create tuto radarchart