v54.1.0: Jungle Green Jackal¶
Weekly release issued on 19/09/2019.
Executive summary & Datawall available on new home¶
Toucan’s mission is to deliver data & insights to non technical people by creating a media around the data. We aim to distribute content through all existing channels and anyone.
We are proud to announce that the executive summary and the datawall are now available with the appRequesters, and therefore on new homes 🔥

GDPR and analytics¶
Toucan Toco uses tools Google Analytics and Mixpanel to understand how you use your Small Apps. We also built a dedicated small app so you can identify stories that rocks and the one that needs more work. Contact your account manager to get it installed on your instance!
To stay compliant with regulations, we added a banner at the bottom of the screen letting users know how their navigation data are being collected.

New features¶
Data Storytellers
- Charts :: Stackedbarchart :: add a tooltip on showValue option to specify that it does not work when vertical
- Home :: Datawall and execsum now work without report and with apprequesters
- Data :: Add logos for every connector in the data connector menu
- Demo :: Add a new story to the demo app to illustrate the option event with event from dataset and with a multiple lines
- Demo :: Add granularity on date requester
- Charts :: Linechart :: Restore line enter animation
- General :: notification requires small app access
- General :: GDPR footer
- Charts :: Mapchart, stackedbarchart, radarchart and barlinechart :: In order to use the adaptability of the new legend in the embed context the remaining embeddable charts have been connected to the new legend
Bug fixes¶
Data Storytellers
- User admin :: New user rights modal is fixed to allow small-app rights’ attribution
- General :: Deactivate analytics in the embed context
- Charts :: Linechart :: Add label events option in form
- Charts :: Mapchart :: Correct tooltip of defaultSelected option
- Data :: Files with very long names broke the display, now they are shown on multiple lines
- Demo :: Remove pipeline from boilerplate causing validation issue at first use
- Demo :: Dix verbatim story in demo app
- General :: Notifications requires small-app access by default
- Charts :: Stackedbarchart :: update its zoom when the data changes
- General :: Fix small-app background display on the appstore
- Charts :: Waterfall :: Add a left padding to stay consistent with other charts display
- General :: Accept report’s name with special characters
- General :: Fix home display on iOs
- General :: Fix HKPIs touch scroll on mobile
- General :: Custom css is now applied in exports
New documentation available¶
- Charts :: add Toucan USP to heatmap
- How to :: re-create doc on translation
- Other :: fix typo
- Tucana v54.1.1 (September 19th):
- child requesters were not updates when their parent changed their value
- report selector screen were broken due to a missing dependency
- Tucana v54.1.2 (September 20th):
- on old home, the default report where always restored even when the ?report= param was specified
- the executive summary and the data wall were failing if some queries were dependent of the legacy report