Weekly release issued on August 5th, 2020.
New features¶
Data Storytellers
- Analytics :: remove staging mode from analytics data
- Studio :: place duplicated slide right after original
- Data :: Connectors :: allow to save directly connectors without status check
- Home :: ViewRequester :: update form for better understanding of different options
- Files :: files menu opens a sheet instead of a new tab
- Charts :: Heatmap :: display packs labels
- Chat :: hide delete comment option
Bug fixes¶
Data Storytellers
- Scheduler :: should not be able to select no recipient
- Embed :: add scroll on the embed manager table
- Data :: Connectors :: authorize to save a failing connector query
- Users Management :: use no access (x) instead of default icon (-)
- Files :: remove studioToolbar status indicator when config files sheet is opened
- Files :: update remote-indicator when synced is done
- PDF Report :: fix pages number display
New documentation available¶
- Configuration :: add doc for reset anf activate pwd link duration