v43.1.0: Blue Plastic Hammer¶
Minor release issued on Novemer 28th, 2018.
Bug fixes¶
- Charts
- Add white background under packs for tidier effect
- Legend option in bulletchart schema
- EstimateValueWidth with empty data
- Data preprocessing
- Requirements with redis
- Studio
- Update new-mapchart schema
- Miss Parameter in Slide Visibility Manager
- Prevent dataset cells to take to much space vertically
- Scroll on studio parameters editors
- UX
- Standardize source font on tiles
- Sheet Overflow
- Checkboxes and Error Message on Uplod Data Source
New features¶
- Charts
- Vertical StackedBarchart :: total and dynamic width
- Data preprocessing
- Scheduler: force pipeline validation
- Amelios scheduler
- Celery worker stats
- Prepare for next versions of python
- Migrate the front config’s slides from “hidden: true” to “visibility: false”
- Shipping
- Container - add tail process
- Studio
- Allow expressions in the configurations of slide visibility
- New home linkTo
- Improve forms rendering in studio
- Add new glossary term to current slide
New documentation available¶
- No More Hidden : Welcome Visiblity !