v43.2.0: Rye Red Beard¶
Minor release issued on December 5th, 2018.
Bug fixes¶
- Charts
- First label in leaderboard tile is not cropped anymore
- Fix value positioning and total height of bars on new-stackedbarchart, in vertical mode
- Bottom-right filter doesn’t hide a part of the leaderboard (and can now be scrolled under)
- Data preprocessing
- Avoid crash when data sources with multiple files have an invalid modification date
- Clean old metadata (domain last update, shape, etc.) when preprocessing
- Studio
- Closing a new data source without saving actually removes this data source
- Story visibility appear updated in the story menu when edited
- Units and precision can be edited correctly in tiles
- Accept numbers, booleans and null values in labelsOrder and groupsOrder
- UX
- Alignment of create project button in small apps store
- Miscellaneous
- Migration should migrate staging and production separately, and also push it to github (this is the issue we sent you an email about last week)
- On backend side, prevent websocket daemon to log errors when auth token makes no sense
New features¶
- Charts
- Interpolated vales in tiles are now formatted with their precision and unit
- Shipping
- Include default connectors for on-premises installations
- Studio
- Sentiment configuration right from the dataset
- UX
- New menu access bar on small app home
- Blur effect on small app home when scrolling below the title
- General
- Support of OpenID Connect auth providers
- Miscellaneous
- Update Toucan SDK
New documentation available¶
- Data preprocessing
- Postprocess: drop_duplicates
- On-premises
- Refresh of requirements section
- Tutorials
- Markers on world