v35.3.0: White Termite Poodle

Release issued on August 1st, 2018. This week we’re glad to let you know about a new chart we’ve just developed: the new candlestick chart.

New features focus

Please welcome the new Candlestick chart !

Now you will be able to use a new fantastic chart: the Candlestick chart !

It can be used on Finance/Accounting type of stories, allowing you to display the price movements of financial assets, answering the following question “I’d like to analyze the evolution of my portfolio’s companies stock price”.

It’s currently at its beta stage : we highly encourage you to use it and to give us your most complete feedbacks !

New candlestick chart

New candlestick chart

Other new features

  • Better/faster cson parsing. The reading of the config file (parsing) by the application is now faster. This will impact your operations, such as retreiving from repo, which will be managed more efficiently.


  • Shipping :: nginx.vhost - do not use header file if not exists (on-premises only)
  • Scroll on Bullet-chart (Firefox & Edge) : you can now scroll on this chart on these browsers
  • Sentiment config : to set-up the sentiment, you can now add it once, either in your dataset conf, or within your chartOptions