v34.0.0: Graphite Nails Universe¶
Major release issued on June 27th, 2018. We’re glad to announce that this release contains an amazing breaking change : the new data-store explorer !!
.. warning::
:warning: Consequently, the pipeline is upgrading to a new level. You would know wether or not your using an old version if you have `output_domains` in your pipeline. If you have `output_domain` in it, you're using the new pipeline. Please note that the old version is now deprecated, and not supported anymore. To know how to update your pipeline, please check out our 
New features focus¶
Data Store Explorer¶
Pre-process one data source at a time
Once you’ve added a new data source to your app, you can now launch the pre-process for this domain only through the new data source explorer. Check out where to click below :

Explore the state of your data
This new feature also allows you to check wether or not your data sources are available. Your data sources will be highlighted in orange when the global preprocess will be impacting them (deleting a former domain / adding a new domain) Below is an example of what you can see in the data source explorer :

Edit your Data Source¶
Access an dedicated interface to edit your data source
When you’re within the Data Source tab, you can edit each data source by clicking on the “Modify Data Source Config” Button! Quick and easy !

Other New Features¶
New Features¶
- tile editor in tc sheet
- Add chartOptions’ style option to execsum
- New button run data request
- studio side-panel new design
- add zeroBaseline option to versus chart
- Limit dataset viewer display
- Side-panel collaborate
- Dashboard-kpi link
- Can Sort tile leaderboard
- New design confirmation modal
- Simplify the instructions from the bulk user creation
- add download CSV button to data store explorer
- improve data store explorer
- edit data source
- mprove logs
- Leaderboard Upper Filters Mobile Display
- Multi-select-search on iOS
- data store explorer
- Edit Data Source Save
- auto scroll logs and z-index for footer actions
- remove useless link
- Update schema for additional values & grid row size
- Update camouflage
- add colors to karma & coffeelint need by Jenkins
- Move text color to camouflage