v50.7.0-beta: Phlox Tin Caterpillar beta¶
Minor release issued on June 13th, 2019.
Bug fixes¶
- Charts :: Barchart :: reactivate crossfilter functionality
- Charts :: Linechart :: cropped at the bottom on small screens
- Charts :: Stackebarchart :: axis uses charts common colors
- Mobile :: Side-panel filters buttons
- Data :: Fakir :: filters handling in fakir
- Security :: remove unused tabletop dependency
- Lint :: fix my_custom_dataset crashing tests
New features¶
- Data :: Fakir :: show fake data editor when toogling to fakir
- Data :: Fakir :: prevent fakir to generate a fake dataset too big
- General :: Annote and share :: create email template by languages
- General :: Templating errors :: commentary templating errors
- General :: Templating errors :: recommendation
- General :: Templating errors :: story source
- General :: Templating errors :: story links
- General :: Templating errors :: display title errors
- General :: Templating errors :: display filter and requesters error message
- General :: Templating errors :: Hkpi templating errors
- General :: Templating errors :: display datasets errors
- General :: Templating errors :: send non-templated config to links in tc-story
- General :: Templating errors :: improve templating errors in stories
- Charts :: story persistent colors
- Demo :: add leaderboard with sentiment example
- Tech :: identify old permissions system
New documentation available¶
- Studio :: added stackedbarchart to graphs with tick format
- Studio :: update radar chart presentation page
- Studio :: update LCA presentation page
- Studio :: update leaderboard presentation page
- Studio :: update stackedbarchart presentation page
- Studio :: update templating with completeObjectMode option & postprocess
- Studio :: update bubble chart presentation page
- Data :: note on S3 bucket connexion