How to :: color zones


This tutorial explains how to color zones that are simplified shapes of european countries. This can be very useful if you want to build a map of your shops, your facilities or even a more classic map.

The files you need to reproduce this map can be found here for the geographical dataset and the value dataset.

zones mapchart

Step1 : Define your data

To draw zones on the map, data must be associated with coordinates of these zones.

Therefore, you need 2 types of data :

  • a geographical dataset containing the zones
  • a dataset containing values to attach to each zone

To successfully visualize geographical datasets in your application, you need to :

  • Import them into your small app: you create a zone datasource
  • Join geographical zones to data rows: you define the key for joining rows from both datasets

See how to bin geographical zones to data with this step-by-step tutorial

zones datasets

Step2 : Chart parameters


Correctly defining your dataset is very important to display your mapchart with no issues. Make sure you followed the above method!

Once you have a dataset with zones, you can associate it to the the mapchart:

Switch to the Chart tab to configure your map using the Zones option.

  • datasetindicates the name of the dataset containing your data
  • basemap configures how to join zones and data (as seen in previous section)
  • choose the columns:
    • label that contains names for the zones
    • zone's color that contains values to be represented with color
zones conf

And you are done !! 🎉 🎉

OMG sooooo easy 😱 😱 😱

zones mapchart

Optional parameters


When using a hierarchical dataset , parent zones can be drilled to discover child zones.

From your parent level: A map of covid evolution france...

… To the children level: ...drilled on ile de france

Nothing else needs to be configured apart from the hierarchy in the dataset

See the geographical datasets with hierarchy documentation to learn how to make such a dataset.

Adjusting the scale

By default, the values are split into four buckets, called quartiles.

Each bucket is associated with a color from the scale palette, as indicated in the legend at the bottom of the chart:

Hot/cold quartiles

Hot/cold quartiles


Hot/cold contrasting colors are a good way to highlight extreme zones, and tell a story that focuses on them instead on the middle-ranged ones.


Use Reverse scale option if the sentiment should be inverted (high values are cold and low ones are hot).

Reverse scaled quartiles

Reverse scaled quartiles

Number of buckets

If what you need is quintiles (five buckets of values) or another number, update the number of scale's buckets with a number.


Quintiles are very useful to tell the story of the “typical” areas, ones that are in the middle bucket.

Reverse scaled quartiles

Reverse scaled quartiles

Custom color thresholds

If you want to specify custom threshold values for the color scale, use the custom threshold values. You can specify up to 3 values which will amount to 4 different colors.


This can be useful to focus on a subset of your data distribution.

Custom color thresholds

Custom color thresholds


Don’t forget to customize the color palette to fit your needs!

Use scaling on unfiltered dataset

By default, the scale is computed with the data after filtering.

If you prefer the scale to be consistent across filtering, activate the Use scaling on unfiltered dataset option.

Handling zones with missing data

Maybe all zones don’t get associated with data.

The empty ones will by default display in light gray.

This behavior can be configured under the key Zones with missing data option:

  • color: customize the color ot the empty zones. Can be a color name or any hexadecimal color like #000000.
  • deactivate user's selection : prevent user to select empty zones (default false)

Using sentiment

Sometimes, it’s not the quantile in which each zone belong that you want to display, but rather a sentiment associated with each zone.

To achieve this, simply add a sentiment rule to the column used to color the zones.

Sentiment rule on data column Mapchart where zones are colored by sentiment

If you need to customize the labels for each sentiment, you need to switch to code mode and add a labels property: Mapchart with custom sentiment labels