How to :: group information in your story


🚧 WIP 🚧


Packs allow you to display elements near one another typically to facilitate comparisons.

Configuration (inside chartOptions)

  • packs: name of the column containing the packs names
  • packNames: true/false whether or not to display the content of the packscolumn as a title above each pack

Specific configuration for the heatmap(you have 2 packs available, so you have to be more specific!)

  • xpack: name of the column containing the packs names for the rows
  • xPackOrder: array containing the xpack values in the custom order we wish to display them
  • ypack: name of the column containing the packs names for the columns
  • yPackOrder: array containing the ypack values in the custom order we wish to display them

WARNING: a value, as identified by the ‘label’ parameter (or the x/y parameters for the heatmap) can be mapped to one pack only. If a value is mapped to more than on pack, the chart will choose for you to which pack the value belongs which is probably not what you wish for :)

Packs are available on the below charts, see each chart specific documentation for more details

chart packs packNames packOrder
bullet-chart packs always true no
horizontal-barchart packs yes no
heatmap xpack/ypack always false xPackOrder/yPackOrder
leaderboard-centered-average packs always true true
score-card packs always true no