Bulletchart Tutorials

Step by step tutorial

The user story

I’m a Mall Center Director in a big commercial real estate company.

My mall’s growth evolution is great this year! Does that mean every shop within my mall performed well? Is it as significant for each of them vs their respective target? And vs their last year performance?

Which are the shops that have contributed the most to this increase? Which shops have best performed vs their objective? Which ones have the most significant evolution vs last year?

Since I want to compare my shop’s performance vs some reference values (target value, and last year value) let’s do a bulletchart!


Before you start! Make sure you added your datasource to your application. Once you’re done, create a new story.

The dataset

Here is an example of the dataset expected to create a nice bullet-chart:

Retailer name CA Target Last year
Shop #1 16.0 13.0 3.0
Shop #2 4.0 6.0 12.0
Shop #3 13.0 14.0 15.0
Shop #4 9.0 -1.0 -3.0
Shop #5 1.0 23.0 1.0
Shop #6 16.0 7.0 4.0
Shop #7 8.0 -3.0 -3.0
Shop #8 -3.0 15.0 20.0
Shop #9 20.0 12.0 23.0
Shop #10 23.0 3.0 13.0

Very simple, isn’t it ? 😉 There is one line per shop, and for each shop 3 different values : the actual one (CA), the budgeted one (Target), and the past value (Last year).


Don’t forget to add units to your value, last year and target columns to contextualize the information and give meaning to your story!

Chart Parameters

Once my data has been setup, I just need to follow the steps and in 3 clicks I’m done! ✅

I need at least :

  • a label column - these are the name of my shops
  • a value column - that’s the bar on my bulletchart
  • a target column - that’s the tick/small vertical bar on my bulletchart
  • and sometimes a comparison column - this one is available in the optional parameters, and is the container bar on my bulletchart
bulletchart parameters

Add Sentiment

The last step in order to highlight my shop performances is to add sentiment. 😊

I want to get a green color when my shop has reached its target, and a red one when my shop performance evolution is under expectation.

In order to do so, I add a sentiment on my CA column, and chose to make it depend on my Target column. That means that if the actual turnover of my shop is above target, the tick target will be colored in green. Or not.

bulletchart parameters

Then I need to activate in my chart options the following option:


Here we go! 🎉

Other configuration examples

Ex1: Bulletchart with comparison

Data Structure:

Retailer name CA Target Last Year
Magasin 1 114,682 139,348 86,012
Magasin 2 162,598 156,529 121,949

First, you need to fill the schema Label, Value, Target: bullet chart configuration schema

Then you can add your comparison: bullet chart configuration comparaison

Tada 🎉 bullet chart configuration finito

Ex2: With legend, units, sort and rank

Display a bulletchart with a legend, units, sort and ranking:

Retailer name CA Target Last Year
Magasin 1 114,682 139,348 86,012
Magasin 2 162,598 156,529 121,949

You can add a sentiment to your Value and Target: bullet chart units ex

You need to activate the display legends options: bulletchart legends exemple2

Finally, you can customize your labels order: bulletchart order example2

Ex3: With packs & comon scale

Display a bulletchart with a legend, units, sort and ranking:

Retailer name CA Target Last Year Branch level 2
Magasin 1 114,682 139,348 86,012 Fashion
Magasin 2 162,598 156,529 121,949 General Alimentation

You can add a pack to your bulletchart into the chart options: bulletchart packs exemple3

If you want to work with a common scale you just need to activate the following option: bulletchart ex3 commonscale

Isn’t that so easy bulletchart example3 finish

The end !!! Congratulations, you are a Bulletchart master now 👏