
Add geographical zones to your data

Geographical datasets are datasets in which each row contains the coordinates of a zone that can be displayed on a map.

Geographical data

Geographical coordinates are like data, except they reside not in CSV or excels, but in other file types like GeoJSON, Shapefiles, etc. You can experiment with these files in online tools like and Mapshaper.

A typical GeoJSON describing zones consists in an array of “Features”, called a “FeatureCollection”. Each feature has:

  • a geometry which contains the list of coordinates necessary to draw the zone,
  • a set of properties describing the zone, a bit like a data row.

The properties will be essential to be able to associate the zone with the corresponding data.

If we draw the well-know hexagon of France in, we can observe the corresponding JSON on the right: Very simple zone for France in

Here is a very simplified view of large western European countries created in this tool, as an example. Note the table view which makes it easy to see the properties without scrolling through a long JSON full of coordinates. Very simple western europe in


In this doc, we’ll use indifferently “zones” or “(geographical) features” (often abbreviated “geofeatures”).

Import geographical zones into your small app

Files like GeoJSON generally contain many zones, forming what we call a “mesh”.

These files can be imported in the “Data sources” interface, within the “Update Basemap” section. Upload mesh section

Let’s add a new mesh by hitting “Add basemap”. It has 2 main properties:

  • mesh is the name of the file (correspond to the file attribute for data sources)
  • basemap is the id of this mesh, to differentiate it from potential others (equivalent to the domain attribute for data sources) Creating a new basemap

From there, we can drop our GeoJSON file in the newly created block, and make the app read it and save it by starting the “Load basemaps”. Populate basemaps During this, the server reads the file and insert each zone in the database so we can use them later. It also add the basemap value to the properties of each zone of the mesh.


Each time you drop a new mesh or modify the configuration of one, don’t forget to update the zones database by launching “Populate basemaps”.

You can find an example shape files suitable for a mapchart right here

Join geographical zones to data rows

Now that we have geographical zones available in our database, it’s time to join them with a dataset.

Given the previously hand-drawn zones and this data:

code GDP
FR 2.583
UK 2.622
DE 3.677
IT 1.935
ES 1.311
Sample countries data

Sample countries data

We can join the two using the mapchart form in Zones > Color zones > Basemap section :

  • Dataset column specifies the column from the dataset that will be used to match with basemap zones
  • Basemap column specifies the column from the basemap
Geofeatures configuration

Geofeatures configuration

All zones properties are made available in the dataset as columns.


Note the blue map icon that appears next to every row that contains a zone. Clicking on this icon opens the zone in

Advanced joins

Different joins are available, which can be specified in the join property:

  • how: "data" (default) keeps data rows even if no features matches, and discard features which have no matching data row
  • how: "features" keeps features even if no data row matches, and discard data rows which have no matching feature
  • how: "outer" keeps every feature and data row
  • how: "inner" discards every feature or data row that haven’t matched together


While you prepare your dataset, it’s a good idea to use "outer", so if the join fails, you’ll be able to see why by exploring both columns of data and features.

Geographical datasets with hierarchy

As described in the previous section, it’s possible to express parent/child relationship between data rows.


To build a drill mapchart you will need two elements :

  • One basemap containing the parent and the children value
  • And a dataset that could be transformed into a hierarchical one.

Step 1: Let’s start with the Basemaps:

When working on a json basemap, it’s good to keep in mind that you could use to check your basemap file and understand its structure. In the following example we are going to use a France.json basemap. This file contains all the departments and the region which they are part of. This Region column will allow us to build the hierarchy for the basemap.


It’s highly common to have in your basemap only the lower-level features. Nevertheless, you may need to have higher-level zones to associate data with.

basemap geojson

basemap geojson

Now you can go in the Data source part of Toucan and drop your basemap. In the following form:

  • Basemap : will be the name of your basemap (the on used in your story with the geofeatures)
  • Mesh : needs to match exactly the name of the file you’re dropping. To build the drill mapchart, we need to add a hierarchy into your basemap.
  • The column ‘Région’ is the parent column and ‘Département’ is the children.

Just add your hierarchy in the form like this:

basemap hierarchy

basemap hierarchy

Why is hierarchy important in your basemap?

Using the hierarchy parameters, Toucan will automatically create the link between each zones by creating columns and roll ups in your data set (current_id, current_type, id, parent_id and parent_type). Toucan will automatically aggregate zones together, from the top-level to the lower one.

Final step to make the hierarchy come true, the Load basemaps operation. This is when we build the drill in the map.

  • current_type will contain the name of the hierarchy column corresponding to the level of this zone
  • current_id will contain the value of this column for this zone
  • parent_type and parent_id to identify the parent zone

So don’t forget to load your basemaps to finalize your drillable mapchart!

load basemap

load basemap

In our example, after this load basemap operation, each regions will be created from the aggregation of their belonging departments current id

Step 2: Now let’s focus on the dataset:

Download this csv (following the covid for each departments): Drop it into Toucan and create your story :) it should look like this:



Start your query by creating the parent value for your département ⇒ It could be done thanks to a hierarchical VQB step:



My_dataset is now in a hierarchical structure: hierarchical number two

Step 3: Switch in code mode


At the end of your query you need to add the geofeatures block to define the link between your dataset and your basemaps and a hierarchy block to set up the hierarchy into your dataset. To keep your VQB pipeline, do not switch in code mode directly on your query but follow the previous screenshot ;)

code mode

code mode

Step 3-1: Let’s start with the geofeatures:

Usually when setting the geofeatures you just need to fill in two parameters :

  • the features,
  • the name of your column

Here as you’re using a label that could be a department or a region, you need to use the current_id created by Toucan when you dropped your basemaps with hierarchy.



    "properties.basemap": "France"
      features: "current_id" #current_id is a column created by Toucan when you’re defining the hierarchy in your basemap
      data: "label"
    how: "inner"

Step 3-2: Let’s go forward with the hierarchy:

📚 You can take a look to the documentation about the hierarchy

hierarchy 1

hierarchy 1

The columns added by the “Populate basemaps” operation (current_type, current_id, parent_type, parent_id) are ready to use with in the hierarchy property. You can copy/paste the following code👇:

    id: [
    parent: [

It’s looking like this in code mode 👉: hierarchy 2

Here you go 🎉 For your parent level…: parent

…And your children level 🎉: children


When having a lot of rows and levels, fetching everything at once can be costly and slow. That’s why it’s possible to load only the top drill level, then the subsequent ones only when required. See the docs about laziness in hierarchical datasets.

How to also lazy load our geographical zones the ame way we do with the data rows?

By default, when the lazy mode is activated, the hierarchy root, id and parent columns also applies to geofeatures. For this to work, geofeatures must have the same column in their properties.

With common hierarchy columns

Here is a very simple example of data and geofeatures that shares the same hierarchy columns (location and parent_location):

parent_location location value
  France 65000000
France Île-de-France 12000000
Île-de-France Paris 3000000
    "properties": {
      "basemap": "france_zones",
      "location": "France"
    "geometry": [...]
    "properties": {
      "basemap": "france_zones",
      "parent_location": "France",
      "location": "Île-de-France"
    "geometry": [...]
    "properties": {
      "basemap": "france_zones",
      "parent_location": "Île-de-France",
      "location": "Paris"
    "geometry": [...]

In this case, the hierarchy configuration apply to both data and geofeatures:

  domain: "france_data"

    "properties.basemap": "france_zones"
      data: "location"
      features: "location"

  id: ["location"]
  parent: ["parent_location"]

lazy: true

With different hierarchy columns

When data and features have different columns names representing the hierarchy, it’s possible to make them correspond by having one hierarchy property for the data and one for the geofeatures (with the same nomenclature as the usual hierarchy parameter (id, parent and root)).

Here is a simple example:

parent_location location value
  France 65000000
France Île-de-France 12000000
Île-de-France Paris 3000000
    "properties": {
      "basemap": "france_zones",
      "zone_id": "France"
    "geometry": [...]
    "properties": {
      "basemap": "france_zones",
      "parent_zone_id": "France",
      "zone_id": "Île-de-France"
    "geometry": [...]
    "properties": {
      "basemap": "france_zones",
      "parent_zone_id": "Île-de-France",
      "zone_id": "Paris"
    "geometry": [...]

In this case, the hierarchy configuration must be different for data and geofeatures:

  domain: "france_data"

  id: ["location"]
  parent: ["parent_location"]

    "properties.basemap": "france_zones"
      data: "zone_id"
      features: "location"
    id: ["zone_id"]
    parent: ["parent_zone_id"]

lazy: true

Use it in charts!

The mapchart will now display the zones associated to its zones dataset, without any extra configuration.

See some examples on the mapchart docs