Scorecard Tutorials

Step by step tutorial

The user story

I’m a C-level manager in an international company. ✈️

I’d like an overview of KPIs which are not directly related to each other.

📝 For example, I’d like an overview of the number of facebook likes for each country and of the budget evolution.

Since I need to display indicators that have no direct correlation amongst each other and that have different units, let’s do a scorecard!


Before you start!

Make sure you added your datasource to your application. Once you’re done create a new story.

The dataset

Here is an example of the dataset expected to create a nice scorecard:

budget cast_total_facebook_likes country genre_type region
  1981.0 Belgium Action Europe
34.0 369.0 Belgium Comedy Europe
27.73 4946.846153846154 Canada Action North America
13.290 3147.682926829268 Canada Comedy North America

Very simple, isn’t it ? 😉 There is one line per country, per region and per genre, and for each one of them there is the budget evolution and the number of facebook likes.


Don’t forget to add units to your budget and cast_total_facebook_likes columns to contextualize the information and give meaning to your story!

Chart Parameters

Once my data has been setup, I just need to follow the steps and in 3 clicks I’m done! ✅

I need at least :

  • a label column

    In our case my countries

  • a value column

    In our case my total of facebook likes

  • and sometimes a variation column

    In our case my budget evolution

Image of chart Scorecard\_Tutorial

Image of chart Scorecard_Tutorial


💡 Did you know? Your value can be a number or some text. In our example, it could have been the genre type column instead of the cast_total_facebook_likes one.

Here we go! 🎉

Other configuration examples


These examples are from the code mode. ⚠️ the chartOptions & data are deprecated, make sure to use de datasets/charts configuration.

Data Structure

Dataset used for most of the examples bellow :

budget cast_total_facebook_likes country genre_type region
  1981.0 Belgium Action Europe
34.0 369.0 Belgium Comedy Europe
27.73 4946.846153846154 Canada Action North America
13.290 3147.682926829268 Canada Comedy North America

Ex1: With Units

To add some units on your story, you can take a look to this documentation:

Image of chart scorecard\_units

Image of chart scorecard_units

Ex2: With Variation

Image of chart scorecard\_var

Image of chart scorecard_var

Ex3: With variationLegend and precision

Image of chart scorecard\_varlegend

Image of chart scorecard_varlegend

Ex4: With packs and packsNames

Image of chart scorecard\_packs

Image of chart scorecard_packs

Ex5: With custom packsOrder

Image of chart scorecard\_packsorder

Image of chart scorecard_packsorder

Ex6: With packs order by a column

Image of chart scorecard\_column\_packsorder

Image of chart scorecard_column_packsorder

Ex7: With custom packs order and custom labels order

Image of chart

Image of chart

Ex8: With packs order from a column and labels order from a column

Image of chart scorecard\_column\_packsorder\_order

Image of chart scorecard_column_packsorder_order

Ex9: With sentiment

To add some sentiments on your story, you can take a look to this documentation:

Image of chart scorecard\_sentiment1

Image of chart scorecard_sentiment1

Image of chart scorecard\_sentiment2

Image of chart scorecard_sentiment2

Sparklines dataset

Data structure used for the sparklines only :

| cast_total_facebook_likes |   country |   genre_type | region       | month
| 1981.0                    | Belgium | Action     | Europe       | Jan
| 3395.0n                   | Bulgaria| Action     | Europe       | Jan
| 1585.0                    | Belgium | Action     | Europe       | Feb
| 2263                      | Bulgaria| Action     | Europe       | Feb

Ex10: With sparklines

If you want more information about sparklines, please take a look to this tutorial:

Image of chart scorecard\_sparklines

Image of chart scorecard_sparklines