How to :: verify your map files

Do I have the correct files to create a map with Toucan?

Before creating a mapchart with Toucan, make sure you have the correct basemap files to draw your map (before even connecting the data 😉)

A basemap file is the file containing the drawing of the map you wish to display.

To do so, follow these few steps:

  1. Go to Mapshaper and see if it draws a plan with zones. It’s possible that you’ll have multiple files named the same but with different extensions (shp, dbf, shx, idx, etc…). Upload them all!
  2. Check your drawing and see if you can select zones. Activate the information option, and select zones. If they turn pink, you’re on the right track!


  1. Check attributes. Your zones need attribute in order to identify them from one another.

Don’t hesitate to click on the file details to see what’s missing.

