
📖 Options Reference | 👩‍🏫 Tutorials

Purpose & Application

This graph offers the ability of illustrating dozens of indicators that have little to no direct correlation amongst each other.

📝 For example, I’d like an overview of my company’s KPIs

The theory stipulates that this chart be used as a last resort only.

To dataviz purists, this chart does not actually bring true value in terms of reading. So, this chart should be used to present data of different values and units.

Toucan USP

What makes this chart a killer story?

Display all kind of data, from number to dates or text… 🗓️ More, you can display non-correlated indicators on the same chart (value type, units and precision can be different for each indicators)

As a Salesperson, I want to follow the performance of my shop. I need to know the opening date of the shop (16/07/2017), the revenue (12 M€), the average basket (43,12€), opening hours (Open/Close)…

🗂️ Organize the different indicators you are displaying to highligh or group some kpis as an entity.

As a Sales Manager, I want to know identity information about the shop (area, opening, date…). And I also want to follow performance indicators as the revenue, average basket…

Sparklines are the variation end-game boss ⚔️. It allows you to show your user a X years / months / whatever evolution as a sparkline on the right side of each label.

I want to have a global vision of the different indicators I follow about my shop, right from its opening.