Mapchart reference

To represent data related to cartography


📖 Learn More about the Mapchart here.

📖 Find examples on the Mapchart here.



You must fill these parameters to produce a Mapchart

parameters label type description (placeholder | tooltip)
dataset   string Dataset |
drill Drill array | Select columns in the order that describe your hierarchy (e.g. ‘region’, then ‘country’ and then ‘city’)


You can let these parameters unset if you do not need them

parameters label type description (placeholder | tooltip)
fixed Fixed map boolean | Activate this option to prevent users from zooming onto the map
legend Display legend object |
legend/compact Use exhaustive legend boolean | Show all your zones, ranked and searchable
mobileSize Mobile Size number Enter a proportion of the total mobile screen | Use on multiple charts onlyEnter a number from 0 to 1
projection   string | This is for advanced configuration onlyCheckout this documentation for more info on projections
tiles Background object | This will display a cartographic backgroundThis is mandatory if you only configure Markers You need to save your story and refresh your page to see the changes
tiles/provider   string |
tiles/params   object |
tutorial Tutorial object |
tutorial/content Message string Enter your message | This will be displayed to your users
tutorial/alwaysShow Always show this tutorial boolean | By default the tutorial is shown once only
tutorial/id   string Enter an ID | Change the ID to display the tutorial again. All tutorials with the same ID will be displayed only once.
style Custom CSS class string amazing-class | Set a custom CSS class to target this specific chart with CSS
zones Color zones object | To use this option make sure you have shapes available.Read this tutorial to learn more about it
zones/defaultSelected Zone selected by default   | First, last or the code of the label
zones/scale   array |
zones/noDataZones Missing data zones object | Manage the display of zones with no data
zones/noDataZones/disableClickEvent Deactivate user’s selection boolean | Prevent user to select empty zones
zones/noDataZones/color Color string Enter color name or any hexadecimal color | Customize the color of the empty zonesCan be a color name or any hexadecimal color like #000000
zones/color Color value string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing color value | Use a value to color zones
zones/label   string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing zones names |
zones/unfilteredDomain Use scaling on unfiltered dataset boolean | By default, the scale is computed with the data after filtering.Set to true for the scale to be consistent across filtering
zones/opacity Zone opacity number Enter a value between 0 and 1 | - Optional -Custom zone’s opacity0 is completely transparent, 1 completely opaque (default)
zones/meta     | Will be displayed in the legend
zones/thresholds Custom color thresholds array Enter a threshold value | - Optional -Override the default quantile scale.You can specify a maximum of 3 custom thresholds.
zones/reverseScale Reverse scale boolean | Reverse scale to set high values as cold and low ones as hot
zones/displayValueOnZones Display values on zones boolean | Display values directly on zones if there’s enough space. Otherwise, it’s clickable by the user.
zones/quantiles Number of scale’s buckets integer Enter a number of buckets for the scale |
markers Markers object | Pin information on a map
markers/defaultSelected Marker selected by default   | First, last or the code of the label
markers/meta     | Will be displayed in the legend
markers/latitude   string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing latitude coordinates | Use coordinates to position your marker
markers/opacity   number Enter a value between 0 and 1 | - Optional -Custom markers opacity0 is completely transparent, 1 completely opaque (default)
markers/color Markers color string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing value for markers color | - Optional -Use a value to color markers
markers/longitude   string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing longitude coordinates | Use coordinates to position your marker
markers/size Markers size   | - Optional -Use a value to size markers
markers/label   string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing markers’ labels | Add labels to your markers
size Size number Enter a proportion of the total screen | Use on multiple charts onlyEnter a number from 0 to 1


This parameters are either common to all charts, or hidden from studio. You can use them in code mode, but it’s not recommended !

parameters label type description (placeholder | tooltip)
crossfilter   object | Use it for crossfilter configurationShould be configured on the primary chart
crossfilter/datasets Select the filtered datasets array | Datasets that will be filtered on the ‘on’ column
crossfilter/on on column string (Column of dataset expected) Column existing in primary and filtered datasets |
zones/noDataZones/hidden Show zones boolean | Authorize user to see empty zones
zones/id   string (Column of dataset expected) |
markers/reverseScale   boolean |