Mapchart reference¶
To represent data related to cartography
You must fill these parameters to produce a Mapchart
parameters | label | type | description (placeholder | tooltip) |
dataset | string | Dataset | | |
drill | Drill | array | | Select columns in the order that describe your hierarchy (e.g. ‘region’, then ‘country’ and then ‘city’) |
You can let these parameters unset if you do not need them
parameters | label | type | description (placeholder | tooltip) |
fixed | Fixed map | boolean | | Activate this option to prevent users from zooming onto the map |
legend | Display legend | object | | |
legend/compact | Use exhaustive legend | boolean | | Show all your zones, ranked and searchable |
mobileSize | Mobile Size | number | Enter a proportion of the total mobile screen | Use on multiple charts onlyEnter a number from 0 to 1 |
projection | string | | This is for advanced configuration onlyCheckout this documentation for more info on projections | |
tiles | Background | object | | This will display a cartographic backgroundThis is mandatory if you only configure Markers You need to save your story and refresh your page to see the changes |
tiles/provider | string | | | |
tiles/params | object | | | |
tutorial | Tutorial | object | | |
tutorial/content | Message | string | Enter your message | This will be displayed to your users |
tutorial/alwaysShow | Always show this tutorial | boolean | | By default the tutorial is shown once only |
tutorial/id | string | Enter an ID | Change the ID to display the tutorial again. All tutorials with the same ID will be displayed only once. | |
style | Custom CSS class | string | amazing-class | Set a custom CSS class to target this specific chart with CSS |
zones | Color zones | object | | To use this option make sure you have shapes available.Read this tutorial to learn more about it |
zones/defaultSelected | Zone selected by default | | First, last or the code of the label | |
zones/scale | array | | | |
zones/noDataZones | Missing data zones | object | | Manage the display of zones with no data |
zones/noDataZones/disableClickEvent | Deactivate user’s selection | boolean | | Prevent user to select empty zones |
zones/noDataZones/color | Color | string | Enter color name or any hexadecimal color | Customize the color of the empty zonesCan be a color name or any hexadecimal color like #000000 |
zones/color | Color value | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing color value | Use a value to color zones |
zones/label | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing zones names | | |
zones/unfilteredDomain | Use scaling on unfiltered dataset | boolean | | By default, the scale is computed with the data after filtering.Set to true for the scale to be consistent across filtering |
zones/opacity | Zone opacity | number | Enter a value between 0 and 1 | - Optional -Custom zone’s opacity0 is completely transparent, 1 completely opaque (default) |
zones/meta | | Will be displayed in the legend | ||
zones/thresholds | Custom color thresholds | array | Enter a threshold value | - Optional -Override the default quantile scale.You can specify a maximum of 3 custom thresholds. |
zones/reverseScale | Reverse scale | boolean | | Reverse scale to set high values as cold and low ones as hot |
zones/displayValueOnZones | Display values on zones | boolean | | Display values directly on zones if there’s enough space. Otherwise, it’s clickable by the user. |
zones/quantiles | Number of scale’s buckets | integer | Enter a number of buckets for the scale | |
markers | Markers | object | | Pin information on a map |
markers/defaultSelected | Marker selected by default | | First, last or the code of the label | |
markers/meta | | Will be displayed in the legend | ||
markers/latitude | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing latitude coordinates | Use coordinates to position your marker | |
markers/opacity | number | Enter a value between 0 and 1 | - Optional -Custom markers opacity0 is completely transparent, 1 completely opaque (default) | |
markers/color | Markers color | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing value for markers color | - Optional -Use a value to color markers |
markers/longitude | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing longitude coordinates | Use coordinates to position your marker | |
markers/size | Markers size | | - Optional -Use a value to size markers | |
markers/label | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing markers’ labels | Add labels to your markers | |
size | Size | number | Enter a proportion of the total screen | Use on multiple charts onlyEnter a number from 0 to 1 |
This parameters are either common to all charts, or hidden from studio. You can use them in code mode, but it’s not recommended !
parameters | label | type | description (placeholder | tooltip) |
crossfilter | object | | Use it for crossfilter configurationShould be configured on the primary chart | |
crossfilter/datasets | Select the filtered datasets | array | | Datasets that will be filtered on the ‘on’ column |
crossfilter/on | on column | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column existing in primary and filtered datasets | |
zones/noDataZones/hidden | Show zones | boolean | | Authorize user to see empty zones |
zones/id | string (Column of dataset expected) | | | |
markers/reverseScale | boolean | | |