Ganttchart reference

The viz for project management


📖 Learn More about the Ganttchart here.

📖 Find examples on the Ganttchart here.



You must fill these parameters to produce a Ganttchart

parameters label type description (placeholder | tooltip)
endDate End Date string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing end date |
label Label string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing label of each project |
dataset   string Dataset |
startDate Start Date string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing start date |


You can let these parameters unset if you do not need them

parameters label type description (placeholder | tooltip)
sentimentColumn Sentiment column string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing the sentiment | Will be displayed as a colored dot
packs Packs string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing packs names |
granularity Timeline display string | Choose how to display the timeline.The default display is week and month
viewMode View type string | Choose your display type:Stages Breakdown your project in phasesCompared Compare 2 versions of the same project
style Custom CSS class string amazing-class | Set a custom CSS class to target this specific chart with CSS
groups   string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing group type | Column that helps you identify your project stages or versions
events     | Add major events on your project timeline


This parameters are either common to all charts, or hidden from studio. You can use them in code mode, but it’s not recommended !

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