Funnelchart reference

To represent stages in a process


📖 Learn More about the Funnelchart here.

📖 Find examples on the Funnelchart here.



You must fill these parameters to produce a Funnelchart

parameters label type description (placeholder | tooltip)
label Label string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing bar label |
value Value string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing bar value |
dataset   string Dataset |


You can let these parameters unset if you do not need them

parameters label type description (placeholder | tooltip)
labelsOrder Labels order   | Use it to order labels
variationLegend Variation legend string Enter a legend for your variation |
variation Variation string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing variation values |
tutorial Tutorial object |
tutorial/content Message string Enter your message | This will be displayed to your users
tutorial/alwaysShow Always show this tutorial boolean | By default the tutorial is shown once only
tutorial/id   string Enter an ID | Change the ID to display the tutorial again. All tutorials with the same ID will be displayed only once.
style Custom CSS class string amazing-class | Set a custom CSS class to target this specific chart with CSS
size Size number Enter a proportion of the total screen | Use on multiple charts onlyEnter a number from 0 to 1
mobileSize Mobile Size number Enter a proportion of the total mobile screen | Use on multiple charts onlyEnter a number from 0 to 1


This parameters are either common to all charts, or hidden from studio. You can use them in code mode, but it’s not recommended !

parameters label type description (placeholder | tooltip)
source   string |
comment   string |