Leaderboard reference¶
Rank among categories
You must fill these parameters to produce a Leaderboard
parameters | label | type | description (placeholder | tooltip) |
label | Label | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing bar label | |
dataset | string | Dataset | | |
metaSerie | | | ||
legend | | | ||
value | Value | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing bar value | |
meta | | |
You can let these parameters unset if you do not need them
parameters | label | type | description (placeholder | tooltip) |
mobileSize | Mobile Size | number | Enter a proportion of the total mobile screen | Use on multiple charts onlyEnter a number from 0 to 1 |
groupsOrder | Groups order | | Use it to order groups | |
variation | Variation | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing variation values | |
additionalValues | Additional values | array | | Display additional values next to the main oneWill not be displayed on mobile |
packs | Packs | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing grouping of bars | |
packNames | Display pack names | boolean | | |
childrenOrder | Drill children order | | Use it to order children | |
groups | Groups | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing grouping of bars | |
average | Average | | Add a vertical average bar | |
rank | Display rank for sorted bars | boolean | | |
packsOrder | Packs order | | use it to order packs | |
size | Size | number | Enter a proportion of the total screen | Use on multiple charts onlyEnter a number from 0 to 1 |
defaultSelected | Bar selected by default | | first, last or the name of the label | |
labelPosition | Position of the bar labels | string | | |
domain | Scale | array | | Use it to define the bars scale.Choose 2 boundsIf you’re displaying %, try a 0 to 100 |
drill | Drill | object | | Your dataset must contain both parents and children values. To do so, use our hierarchical rollup VQB step |
drill/parent | Parents | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing parent labels | |
variationLegend | Variation legend | string | Enter the legend for your variation | |
tutorial | Tutorial | object | | |
tutorial/content | Message | string | Enter your message | This will be displayed to your users |
tutorial/alwaysShow | Always show this tutorial | boolean | | By default the tutorial is shown once only |
tutorial/id | string | Enter an ID | Change the ID to display the tutorial again. All tutorials with the same ID will be displayed only once. | |
sparklines | Sparklines | object | | Add a line to represent the trend of the value for each label.Learn more right here |
sparklines/forceLexicalOrder | Automatic date ordering | boolean | | Set to false to disable lexical reordering of ordinal dates |
sparklines/date | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing the time dimension | | |
sparklines/showMissingValues | Show missing values | boolean | | Display missing values as blank/white linesBy default missing values are filtered outto display a continuous line |
sparklines/legend | string | Type in a legend | Optional | |
sparklines/commonScatter | Common scale | boolean | | Use the same scale for all sparklines (y axis) |
sparklines/dateFormat | Date display format | string | Describe how to display the date | OptionalUse d3 time format (like ‘%Y’ to display just years) |
hideEmptyVariation | Hide empty variations | boolean | | |
style | Custom CSS class | string | amazing-class | Set a custom CSS class to target this specific chart with CSS |
sort | string | | | |
averageText | Average legend | string | Enter text | |
target | Target | string (Column of dataset expected) | Column containing bar target | Use with caution, it is preferable to use the bullet tile to represent targets |
This parameters are either common to all charts, or hidden from studio. You can use them in code mode, but it’s not recommended !
parameters | label | type | description (placeholder | tooltip) |
labelsOrder | Labels order | | Use it to order labels | |
children | object | | | |
children/order | | | ||
children/root | string | | | |
children/parent | string | | | |
children/id | string | | | |
reverse | | | ||
source | string | | | |
comment | string | | | |
sentiment | object | | | |
sparklines/orderDates | boolean | | | |
sparklines/datesOrder | | | ||
sparklines/unit | string | | | |
lazyLoad | boolean | | | |
highlighted | | |