Leaderboard reference

Rank among categories


📖 Learn More about the Leaderboard here.

📖 Find examples on the Leaderboard here.



You must fill these parameters to produce a Leaderboard

parameters label type description (placeholder | tooltip)
label Label string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing bar label |
dataset   string Dataset |
metaSerie     |
legend     |
value Value string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing bar value |
meta     |


You can let these parameters unset if you do not need them

parameters label type description (placeholder | tooltip)
mobileSize Mobile Size number Enter a proportion of the total mobile screen | Use on multiple charts onlyEnter a number from 0 to 1
groupsOrder Groups order   | Use it to order groups
variation Variation string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing variation values |
additionalValues Additional values array | Display additional values next to the main oneWill not be displayed on mobile
packs Packs string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing grouping of bars |
packNames Display pack names boolean |
childrenOrder Drill children order   | Use it to order children
groups Groups string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing grouping of bars |
average Average   | Add a vertical average bar
rank Display rank for sorted bars boolean |
packsOrder Packs order   | use it to order packs
size Size number Enter a proportion of the total screen | Use on multiple charts onlyEnter a number from 0 to 1
defaultSelected Bar selected by default   | first, last or the name of the label
labelPosition Position of the bar labels string |
domain Scale array | Use it to define the bars scale.Choose 2 boundsIf you’re displaying %, try a 0 to 100
drill Drill object | Your dataset must contain both parents and children values. To do so, use our hierarchical rollup VQB step
drill/parent Parents string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing parent labels |
variationLegend Variation legend string Enter the legend for your variation |
tutorial Tutorial object |
tutorial/content Message string Enter your message | This will be displayed to your users
tutorial/alwaysShow Always show this tutorial boolean | By default the tutorial is shown once only
tutorial/id   string Enter an ID | Change the ID to display the tutorial again. All tutorials with the same ID will be displayed only once.
sparklines Sparklines object | Add a line to represent the trend of the value for each label.Learn more right here
sparklines/forceLexicalOrder Automatic date ordering boolean | Set to false to disable lexical reordering of ordinal dates
sparklines/date   string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing the time dimension |
sparklines/showMissingValues Show missing values boolean | Display missing values as blank/white linesBy default missing values are filtered outto display a continuous line
sparklines/legend   string Type in a legend | Optional
sparklines/commonScatter Common scale boolean | Use the same scale for all sparklines (y axis)
sparklines/dateFormat Date display format string Describe how to display the date | OptionalUse d3 time format (like ‘%Y’ to display just years)
hideEmptyVariation Hide empty variations boolean |
style Custom CSS class string amazing-class | Set a custom CSS class to target this specific chart with CSS
sort   string |
averageText Average legend string Enter text |
target Target string (Column of dataset expected) Column containing bar target | Use with caution, it is preferable to use the bullet tile to represent targets


This parameters are either common to all charts, or hidden from studio. You can use them in code mode, but it’s not recommended !

parameters label type description (placeholder | tooltip)
labelsOrder Labels order   | Use it to order labels
children   object |
children/order     |
children/root   string |
children/parent   string |
children/id   string |
reverse     |
source   string |
comment   string |
sentiment   object |
sparklines/orderDates   boolean |
sparklines/datesOrder     |
sparklines/unit   string |
lazyLoad   boolean |
highlighted     |