Pdf tile :: configuration examples


Some of the syntax are deprecated with the new home.

Ex1: pdf uploaded via the interface

Data structure

domain: ‘pdf_home’

colonne_url other_column (use it to filter and display different pdfs depending on your report/date)
my_asset_name 31/12

Prerequisite: upload my_asset_name via the interface.


Note: the asset name exclude the .pdf extension. When you upload ‘my_file.pdf’ the id is then ‘my_file’.

  name: "My pdf"
  type: "pdf"
      domain: "pdf_home"
  url: "colonne_url"
  linkType: "asset"
  source: "Smart Toucan <%= Date %>"

Ex2: pdf hosted in a third party site

colonne_url other_column (use it to filter and display different pdfs depending on your report/date)
http://www.site-externe.co m/rapport-detaille.pdf 27/02
  name: "My external pdf"
  type: "pdf"
      domain: "pdf_home"
  url: "colonne_url"
  linkType: "external"
  source: "Smart Toucan <%= other_column %>"

Ex3: pdf hosted in a third party site

  name: "My external pdf"
  type: "pdf"
  pdfUrl: "https://my.awesome.source/doc.pdf"
  linkType: "external"