Weekly release issued on Friday 27th April, 2022.
AnyConnect™ - Databricks¶

Databricks logo
- Improvement of the existing connector: New form to set up the connector + Detect automatically if the cluster is shut down, and run it in order to be able to refresh the data

Databricks connector
AnyConnect™ - Athena¶

athena logo
- New connector 🆕: Connect to athena list all available data, extract the data

athena connector
AnyConnect™ - Anaplan¶

anaplan logo
- New connector 🆕: Connect to Anaplan, list all available data, extract the data

anaplan connector
Toucan - Languages¶
- Translate end-user experience in Spanish
- End-user translation is equally done for English, French and Spanish translation

New features¶
Data Storytellers
- AnyConnect™ :: Databricks connector
- AnyConnect™ :: Amazon Athena connector
- AnyConnect™ :: Anaplan connector
- Toucab :: Language :: Translate toucan in spanish
- Analytics :: Analytics app update configuration on tiles and story
- Analytics :: New public analytics
- Notifications :: Update english version of export email template
- Admin area :: user management :: New groups privileges
Bug fixes¶
- [TCTC-2774] :: Embed :: stories in dashboard are displayed correctly.
- [TCTC-2662] :: Embed :: safe store access.
- [TCTC-2715] :: Embed :: fix additional panel display in embed.
- [TC-2703] :: Story/Tile :: Local variables templates should be hidden until being resolved.