Usage Data

Toucan Toco uses Mixpanel to understand how you use your Instance and your Small-Apps. This tool allows us to know:

  • When and how many times you logged in
  • What pages you visited on the application
  • Which Small-Apps and parts of Small-Apps (Home, Stories) you navigated to, and for how long
  • Which features you are using (PDF Export, Settings…)

We use this data in two ways:

  1. Internally to improve our product, to understand how the different features are used and to fine-tune user experience
  2. If your company has opted in for this feature, we share this data with your company to measure the adoption of Toucan Toco, and to guide future evolution of your Small Apps.

For more information, you can also read our cookie policy and legal information on our website.

If you have any question, you can contact your company or send an email to

If you’re a contributor and you are looking to set up analytics on your Toucan Toco instance, you can read this tutorial.